Monday, January 31, 2011



“In a small still voice God spoke to Elijah …”… Silence is golden. The language of silence is one of pure potentiality. It is a mirror by with we reflect ourselves and others on themselves. It requires no interpretation or analysation. It removes thinking, labels or perception (however accurate one believe it to be).

In stillness and silence, one meditates or slow one’s mind, being and activity. One ceases to strive. One settles. One calms. One returns to one’s source of emptiness and be in the present eternity of now.

When things get too out of hand… I get flustered and most times I say,” I don’t care… anymore.” That is the rock bottom when I trust, let go and surrender to life, to existence to universal intelligence, to God, to my higher self, or whatever 72 names or 1000 names or indescribable names you might never be able to define (the 1st verse of Tao Te Ching)

We talk, we explain, we try to understand. All is internal justification, internal dialog. What use is it? It is still from our computer mind (history, memory and habits). We need to put mind aside and trust the unknowable, the mysterious quietness, the silence of darkness and let go off all fears of the infinite and formless/emptiness.

When I am here. I do what I am doing now. If thinking is not required I just be. I reduce thinking to a minimal and intuition to a maximum. I need to be fully alert with every cell of my being in full awareness and witnessing.

Presence here. We are not persons. We are presence. Persons are limited. Presence is limitless. Presence emits silence – intelligent, ever understanding, no need for words kind of silence.